Monday, August 3, 2009

Green Day

Hi everyone. I'm blogging. Yeah. Probably won't have much to say and will only talk about things that are fresh on my mind. So, here goes, my first blog... went to a Green Day concert on Tuesday last week. My ears are still ringing and to quote my mom, "it was so damn loud". In fact, I woke up more than once that night because I thought I heard the fire alarm. Turns out it was merely the Billy-Joe Armstrong-induced sound-burn in my eardrums. Ugh. What a waste. I'm too old for this stuff.

Speaking of age...Jim, Shawn, and I were the oldest there by 10 years, with a few exceptions:
1) the band and crew themselves.
2) a washed up Soccer dad, hammered off double-fisting Cape Cods, who was taking pictures of the audience - - causing near blindness from his flash every 30 seconds. This guy needs to work in LA for TMZ and not for an unappreciative crowd in the Mezzanine level at MSG. I mean, we all know he was taking pics to prove he was there and "still cool" to his fellow washed-up soccer dad coworkers the next day around the water cooler. "Yeah, no, I was totally there, dude, and it was a bitchin time. I have the pics of the bitchin audience to prove it! See? That's even me standing next to Billy Joe and his microphone. What? That's not Billy Joe? Oh, yeah...will you look at that. It is just an usher with a flashlight..."
3) all the 30-something moms and dads bringing their 12 year-olds (all sporting Zeppelin and Greatful Dead tees...the kids, not the parents) to "their first concert".

Wasn't the greatest concert ever. Actually, it sucked. I didn't like it. You wanna know why? They didn't play "Longview". HOW IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GONNA BE GREEN DAY AND NOT PLAY LONGVIEW AT YOUR CONCERT!?!? Can I get a "WTF!?!?" Thank you and good night. You've been a great audience.


  1. Green Day is one of my FAVS and I did love their concert I went to in 2000 - something. Only thing, they opened, yes opened, for Blink. I was insulted for them.

    Great blog. You're the only person I know to Tweet before blogging!


  2. Oh, Erin. This is going to be fun! Looking forward to reading more. lol!
